Wednesday, March 6, 2013


As an artist one must take advantage of the resources one has at his fingertips. As such I decided to have my friend model for me as I avoid doing any serious paintings. I don't know what it is about simple portraits that interests me. It is by no means an artistic or technical accomplishment, though my skill becomes ever so sharper with each piece that leaves my brush. I just simply find satisfaction in them.

Jeremy has gone through three short painting sessions and seems to be coming along nicely. I'm not sure what to do with the background. I suppose I'll just keep glazing the hell out of it. The shadows also seem to need a bit of work. Alas I am "le talented". This shall be a good one. Next I will be more ambition and paint a 30 x 40 of my friend Miss Jasmine.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Asylum Interior

Today I decided that having a subject bores me so I will paint an interesting interior instead. I also  would like to rededicate myself to passions past of insanity. My professor has rearmed me with a slew of interesting topics to read up on so I am very excited to see what images I am able to pull out this time around.
As this image is devoid of the living and bares the scars of time, I shall have a glorious time rendering all sorts of textures and surface lighting. The selling point in this one is going to be getting those windows right. I'm going to have to pull a page out of impressionism for this one. It would be lovely to have some perfectly rendered photo realistic windows, but it would also be highly unnatural. Stand in a darkened room and look towards a distant bright window. Notice how the light creeps over the edge blurring it slightly, how it pours into the room and latches onto every minute detail, how looking directly at the window seems to darken the rest of the room temporarily. I must achieve all of this and more. It is challenges like these that make me so glad to be a painter. When would anyone else take the time to appreciate such simple things as a light filled window.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Garden Piece Commision

I love painting but something about it just leaves me restless. Mostly I interpret this as a need to constantly challenge myself. So many ideas and never enough time. Today's challenge was presented to me as a request that I readily accepted. I was given an old school metal milk jug and asked to paint the family dogs on it. A rounded metal surface that I'm sure is going to give me hell in terms of proportions. The jug is destined to become part of garden decor so it also needs to be sufficiently protected. I finally have the chance to use the super glossy glass resin that I have been eyeing for months now. When it drys the resin takes on the appearance of glass. I love me some shiny things.

Things are progressing along nicely. This is about 4 hours of work. One good day should bring this home then off to its owner.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It seems my renown as an artist is growing, even more reason for me to keep producing. Not so long ago it came up in conversation at my local grocers that I am an artist and it so happened that a painting commission was desired. The subject, Mickey Mouse, wasn't the most strenuous creative subject, but hopefully will help spread my reputation.

I had fun with this and finished in two sessions. Again my photography skills leave much to be desired. Now it just needs a day or two to dry then off to next project.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wrench in the system

Same story different day. I won't bore you with the details. The bottom line is that I am not producing. That is not to say I am not working. Oh no, not at all. Painting never leaves my conscious mind, bordering on obsession some days, but that is what an artist must face. The constant battle against one self.

I am deeming Pinky officially abandon and the Pandora series is facing execution. I spent the better part of my day contemplating all sorts of drastic actions from ripping the canvas off the stretcher to adding obscene amounts of paint thinner, none of the friendly mineral spirits either. I'm talking about coma inducing varsol. I can't tell you what happened. The Pandora series is just drained of all the passion and pleasure. Her fate is yet to be determined for now. 

As for Pinky, she behaved and accomplished all that I had hoped. I learned some things and had fun, exactly how a painting should be. Now I ask myself why a study is acting like a painting and the painting is acting like a spoiled brat. Maybe I should just take the cue and realize I am not one for detail ultra planned work.

On that I will start work on a new piece soon and possibly finish my self portrait. There will also be a brief interruption of real work for a holiday piece that is way over due. As it is all planned and well underway I estimate 2 good work days will get me home.