Thursday, June 21, 2012

LumiLinna / Kemi Snow Castle

Another day, another workshop in Finland. This time around I got the opportunity to design a room in a snow castle. This workshop was an interesting one because it played out like what I imagine professional commission based sculpture would. First we met with the creative director and submitted our proposal design. He requested we build on the idea of a ski hill. Then he rejected said design based on the fact that he changed his mind about the theme. Fine, we made another design, but that also got rejected because another group had laid claim to the idea. This would be all well and fun if he had did so in a timely manner, however we only received feedback on our 2nd design the day we were suppose to start sculpting. In a rush we brainstormed and constructed a 3rd design and that is the one we brought to reality.

Above you will find the details of the 3 walls. The 4th wall with the door was left blank because the snow tends to shift around on that one and we thought it would be too busy to have all 4 walls carved. The end of this workshop was a bittersweet victory. Everything turned out really good and even the indecisive manager thought we did a good job. I was mostly responsible for carving the hand and as you can see much of the detail had been lost as a result of the lighting. I am also not entirely happy with the bowling theme, but we had little choice and time to argue. I suppose it enforces the idea that a majority of art making is problem solving.

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