Saturday, March 3, 2012

Persona Day 2

Good news: The new painting technique I am trying out works wonderfully. It just requires a bit more focus than my usual.

Bad news: In a moment of contemplation I realized that my composition now reflects Michael Myers.

Its funny how paintings can evolve and pull visual cues from all over no matter my intention. Now in order to fix this interesting development I am going to have to be a big boy and make my final compositional decision and figure out how to depict the 'masks'. I can tell already that this choice will either make or break the painting. The masks will be a conceptual and visual focus so the pressure is on to make the right choice. I was hoping to cheat a bit and just have white theater masks, but as I pointed out that's not going to work. It will still be a few days before I start painting the masks so I have some time to think. Today I focused on the upper body. Something about the lighting is bugging me, maybe a bit too bright. I will tone everything down on Monday and make his abs more defined. I don't think I will touch his face anymore and once I settle on a hair style I can declare the head finished.

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