Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obsession of the form

I am still working away everyday, but I have forgotten my camera consistently the last few days, so for today I present to you another rant and tomorrow the massive update of my work. This rant is something I reclaimed from an old sketchbook so my apologies if its a bit disjointed, but yea thats how my mind works. On to the rant then.

In general people possess innate desires. To achieve a happy life it is necessary to identify these desires and work towards them.
What if they are weird or unethical?
In such an instance society forces the individual to adapt and suppress. Society is inherently restrictive of human chaos for the benefit of the whole.
Censorship-separate issue.

My desire is not unethical, simply not accessible 100% of the time. I desire the feminine form, the body, the curves. For the longest time I assumed this was a primitive sexually charged desire, but no, not solely. As a healthy young male that desire exists, there is no doubt, but that is only an amplification of the source. I truly desire the experience of the form. The subtleties of touch. It is something I have yet to fully understand or satisfy. I believe my answer lies within the realm of the artist. It is one of my strongest motivators.
A pleasant extension of this desire is the connection to the mind. Selfish enjoyment of the physical form is significant yes, but it pales in comparison to the mind. A reciprocal  understanding. Not that superficial wanting, no. The words themselves mean nothing. I need an honest return.
Could this be love?
In part yes, but not entirely. Love is much grander. For now I speak on much more raw terms. I want that carnal base enjoyment. My experience is the only proof I can really trust and understand.
How do you project such a powerful and complex feeling?

Breaking down the issue. What of the body without the conscious mind. That is the everyday. That is what I am weaned on. The random form that catches my eye and holds my attention. To indulge these brief temptations isn't exactly ethical, voyeurism. Because of societal norms I comply. This is why people commit to a relationship. Mutual obsession. Consensual experience. The stage of infatuation.

Running fingertips down the curve of the back and across the hips
The play between shadows and light 
The gentle stretch of fabric  
Unconscious and entangled

It is an appreciation that boarders on worship. I worship the utter perfection that is so natural. I don't need any of these artificial enhancements. I run my hand through her hair and get lost in her eyes.
How can I convey this sincere appreciation to my viewer?
Create the experience. Is it possible?
This is all a skewed over-romanticized version of what really is. I am over-romanticized cause it is much more appealing than the real world.

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