Monday, November 12, 2012

The little things

As of late I have been in a slight creative rut. The ideas continue to overflow, but an overwhelming concern of the larger picture smashes them into submission. Typical artist self doubt I suppose. Can't let such a silly thing get me down. I know I got the talent to make it. In some ways that isn't the point though. My goal isn't to become a renown artist, just a fulfilled one. I dream of the day when my physical work will match my internal expectations. I could quite literally have my dreams come true. Imagine how it must feel to possess such an ability.

On another note Pandora finally moves forward after her long stay in the corner. She still fights me at every turn, but i can't ignore her taunting any longer.
I resolved to turn off my brain and just work. I know where it needs to be, I just need to put in the time and get her there.

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